NAPA Our Culture

Our culture in action

At GPC, we share a common passion for what we do and how meaningful our work is. Our multidisciplinary teams work together to solve complex customer needs and achieve best collective outcomes. We genuinely care and continually make a difference to our charitable partners and local communities through our GPC Foundation.

Our Values

Passionate About What We Do
We Genuinely Care
We Go The Extra Mile
We Inspire Innovation
We Relentlessly Pursue Excellence
We Win Together

Learning and development

Advancing our people advances our industry. Talent exists at every level of our business. From highly experienced to new-to-industry, we continually develop our current and future talent. We invest strongly in a dynamic, award-winning learning and development vehicle. Every teammate is empowered to chart their own learning pathways and experience. We power knowledge-sharing across all areas of our business to build a truly multi-skilled, multi-disciplinary workforce.

GPC Learning
Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

A world in which everyone belongs is a better world indeed. Our teammates are a rich tapestry of diversity. Different backgrounds, experiences and world views are vast and valued across our business. We are resolutely committed to creating work environments that are truly inclusive of all our people, at every stage of the teammate life cycle.

First Nations Strategy

Our First Nations Strategy is anchored strongly in our overall Diversity, Equity and Inclusion framework. This aspirational, multi-year strategic plan is powered by our inclusive culture and unique organisational strengths. At GPC, we understand that reconciliation is a journey. Our First Nations Strategy is primed with plenty of room to evolve as we learn and grow.

First Nation Strategy
Culture Of Care

Culture of care

Safety is a way of everyday working life, not just a process. Health and safety is a foundation stone for our ways of working and all business decisions.

Accountability is what genuine care is all about. We diligently record and measure all safety incidents. Continual improvement is at the heart of our health and safety approach. We are always exploring ways to improve our performance. Intelligent technology allows us to continually examine our processes through a safety lens. We use real-time safety data to power continual improvement.

Our culture of care means that everyone takes responsibility for their own safety and that of others. We each live our safety commitment every day.